Get Involved

For anyone motivated to make a difference, there are many opportunities to assist the Simsbury ABC Program.  The program could not operate without the support of the Simsbury community.  We are very fortunate to be part of a caring community composed of individuals, businesses and foundations .


Although affiliated with National A Better Chance, the Simsbury program itself is independent, self-supporting, and managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. As a result, we are dependent upon volunteers from the community for the success of this program.  There are many ways to be involved:

  • Academic advisor

  • Host family

  • Board of Directors member

  • Committee member such as Student Affairs, College Selection, Fund Raising or Health

  • Driver to sports activities, to weekend activities, to medical appointments or to college visits.

  • Painter or carpenter

  • Phonathon volunteer

  • Tutor

For more information on volunteering with the Simsbury A Better Chance Program, please click on the Learn More button below.