
Prospective students apply to National A Better Chance in New York City which serves as a clearing house and pre-screens all applicants from the across the country to all ABC affiliated programs.  The application process for a potential student begins in the Spring of the 7th grade.   If an applicant wants his application referred to the Simsbury ABC Program, he should list this request in the application section for school options. 

A Better Chance Simsbury is a Community School Program and offers many unique advantages.   Students experience the independence of being away from home, yet at the same time there are supervised study hours, family meals and Resident Directors who monitor daily the well-being of each student.  

After applications are forwarded by National ABC, the Simsbury Student Selection Committee reviews them and chooses applicants whom we wish to interview.  Selected applicants and their parents visit Simsbury. During the visit, we

  • interview both the prospective student and his parents

  • give them a tour of the town and high school

  • and have the student stay overnight at the house.

This gives the prospective student and current students a chance to get to know each other. After this interview and visit, the Student Selection Committee determines whether to offer the applicant an opportunity to join the program. 

For more information about applying to the Simsbury ABC Program, please click on the Learn More button below: