
Academic Advisors

Each Simsbury ABC student has an Academic Advisor who is a volunteer from the community.  The student and Academic Advisor work together to establish academic goals, to organize and monitor school work and to identify and address any areas of concern.   Academic Advisors also assist in course selection, adding or dropping courses, and meeting the academic criteria of the Program and of Simsbury High School. 

The Academic Advisor will arrange meetings with teachers and guidance personnel to discuss the student’s progress and to maintain communication between and among school personnel, Resident Directors, Tutors, Chair of the Academic Committee and parents regarding the student’s academic progress.  They often serve as advocates for students with teachers and school administrators.  Advisors encourage each student to develop other skills or interests through participation in extra-curricular activities in the school and/ or community.

Our current Academic Advisors are Lauren Shafer, Trudy Pearce, Chris Eckett, Muffi Mundiwala and Margot Marenakos.