Simsbury A Better Chance

Welcome to Simsbury A Better Chance (ABC)

The Simsbury A Better Chance Program (ABC) is a non-profit organization making a difference in the lives of academically talented young men of color from underserved communities.  Since 1973, the Program has offered motivated, outstanding, minority youth the opportunity to achieve their dreams through education.  

Our students are around the United States, and they live in Simsbury for the four years they attend Simsbury High School.  They return home on school vacations and during the summer.  In Simsbury, each student has a “host family” which gives them a family experience away from home.

We know from over 47 years experience that our young men, through their experiences attending Simsbury High School and their involvement with the Simsbury community, will have the opportunity to attend the colleges of their choice and to assume positions of leadership and responsibility in society.


A pictorial history of the Simsbury A Better Chance Program, presented at the 2013 40th Anniversary Celebration.


The mission of the Simsbury ABC Program is to increase the number of well-educated minority men who graduate from college and assume positions of responsibility and leadership in their careers.


Welcome to our new students Nana-Poku, Ethan and Bryson and to our retuning students Anthony and Muna!  We're looking forward to a great school year!

Above, Eric Wellman, Simsbury First Selectman, interviews Simsbury ABC alumnus, Eddie Ramos, SHS class of 1985.

Kevin Moss, SHS and Simsbury ABC Class of 2000, inducted into the Simsbury Athletic Hall of Fame